Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Power Elite & George W. [Free Republic]

Monday, August 29, 2005

US Establishment Helped Empower Chinese Police State

U.S. sniper kills Reuters man in Iraq

FBI Snooping In Connecticut

'Crown' rules (eminent) domain

India: Banks Hire Criminals, Torture to Recover Loans

Social Security number almost never is legally required as ID

The latest casualty in the war on civil liberties

Unsecured 'Dirty Bomb' Material Found In Asia: Report


On the Heels Of Death Threats Coming Out Of Washington, WTC Janitor Has Jersey City Apartment Burglarized

Articles, government corruption, freedom of speech, truthJournalist Wayne Madsen has left Washington over death threats and William Rodriguez, 9/11 truth-seeker, had his apartment burglarized. Both fit the description of the person supposedly targeted by the government

Ann Coulter: New Yorkers "Would Immediately Surrender" If Attacked... | The Huffington Post

U.S. senators detained at Russian airport News - Scotland - Former police chief says Lockerbie evidence faked

Sunday, August 28, 2005

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS" Locations and Executive Orders

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS" Locations and Executive OrdersExecutive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution
and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for
nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential

Study Shows No Benefits In using Fluoride Toothpaste

The Safe Dental Care KitFluoride May Also Be Poisoning Us

At first glance, fluoride seems harmless enough. It is a naturally occurring element that has dental protection properties, right? Wrong, look at where fluoride comes from and you will soon begin to see the problem. It is a toxic waste by-product from the aluminium manufacturing process. Highly toxic with proven unwanted side effects. It is harmful to all animal life and is to be avoided at all costs. Fluoride is linked to 10,000 cancer deaths yearly. Fluoridation is also responsible for 40 million cases of arthritis, dental deformity in 8 million children and allergic reactions in 2 million people. - Dr. Dean Burke and Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, National Cancer Institute, USA, 1997

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Now, here's an interesting little tid-bit, considering the source: Pat Buchanan's magazine, American Conservative, has published a report saying that Dick CheneyCheney_1 has had the Pentagon prepare a contingency plan for an immediate air strike on Iran, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons, in the event of "another 9/11."

Family Terrorized After Fox News Wrongly IDs Them As Terrorists - News - Family Terrorized After Fox News Wrongly IDs Them As TerroristsLA HABRA, Calif. -- A couple whose home was wrongly identified on national television as belonging to an Islamic radical has faced harassment, and police are providing special protection.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Patriot Act blocks details of complaint against FBI

Associated Press Reported Robertson Wanted to Assassinate Bush

US Military Digs Trenches For Dead Comrades In Iraq

Remote-Controlled Humans -

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bush, Cheney Reported Indicted by Chicago Grand Jury

Bush, Cheney Reported Indicted by Chicago Grand Jury

No conspiracy huh? Then why are they being indicted for drug money laundering, obstruction of justice and involvement in 911?

Powderburns Home Page

Powderburns Home Page

yeah theirs no conspiracy. go back to sleep america! heres some beer and american idol! go back to sleep america!
all you have to do america is sport a support our toops magnet on your car that was made in china to make good with god america.

They Tortured People

They Tortured People

awesome dood!

Police Officers From Five States Sue Taser International for Serious Injuries Suffered During Stun Gun Training Classes

Police Officers From Five States Sue Taser International for Serious Injuries Suffered During Stun Gun Training Classes

oh what? thiers actually some real americans left on the police force? thank god.

Kids a danger to national security?

now your children are terrorists!

Alan Gottlieb: Proposed San Francisco Gun Ban a Bad Idea

Alan Gottlieb: Proposed San Francisco Gun Ban a Bad Idea

freedom of speach taken ......check

right to bare arms taken...... check

Karen Kilroy: Violent Echoes of Kent State

Karen Kilroy: Violent Echoes of Kent State

remember this? and people have such a hard time believing the gov. is capable of tyranny. gimmie a break.

Lockyer Moves Controversial Painting from Public Exhibit

Lockyer Moves Controversial Painting from Public Exhibit

more freedom of speech being stifled

New Law slated to install Police State in Canada :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - ch

CBS Affiliate Will Not Air Sheehan Ad Because There Is “No Proof” Of Absence Of WMD In Iraq... | The Huffington Post

CBS Affiliate Will Not Air Sheehan Ad Because There Is “No Proof” Of Absence Of WMD In Iraq... | The Huffington Post

lol this is rediculous! let the woman speak. god knows youve let the liars speak. quit being a controlled media, get some courage and let a real american speak.

Pentagon Orders 1,500 More Troops to Iraq - Yahoo! News - IS BLAIR OFF TO JOIN $30BN WORLD ELITE?

Watchdog: Police have footage of Tube death

Bus bomber stopped for a Big Mac before killing started

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Militarized Police Storm Utah Rave, Beat Partygoers

Monday, August 22, 2005

UK Indymedia - One dead and over 50 injured as police spread chaos at Czech Tekno Festival

Troops Raid Utah Rave With Guns & Gas : Sploid

priceless link to NWO files


ENJOY! If we dont take action now! We'll settle for nothing later! if we settle for nothing now! Then w'ell settle for nothing later!

911: Body of Evidence 398.3 MB
Alex Jones Documentary Films 1.2 GB
Alex Jones Radio Archive 3.0 GB
Audio Books 838.0 MB
eBooks and Documents 1.8 GB
Jack Blood Radio Archive 944.2 MB
Media.Clips - Bush plans bid to rally Iraq support - Aug 22, 2005

Military uses torture-like training method

Four sue over passenger data

Russian Regional Head Proposes 21-Year Reign for Putin

Police in Pittsburgh attack anti-recruitment protesters with tasers, dogs and pepper spray

Soldier 'instructed' to abuse Abu Ghraib prisoners

Nominee once argued for national ID cards

Danger Of Staged Terror Attack at Red Alert Level!@!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Charleston Post & Courier Runs Hit Piece On Nuclear Drill Story

Charleston Post & Courier Runs Hit Piece On Nuclear Drill Story
The Charleston Post and Courier ran a sardonic hit piece on the nuclear drills set to take place this month which simulate a nuclear weapon which is smuggled from a boat off the port of Charleston, South Carolina.

The Secret Border Wars

The Rev. Moon Honored at Hill Reception (

The Rev. Moon Honored at Hill Reception (

REV. SUN MYUNG MOON SAYS HES THE MESSIAH lmao here we go can anyone say false prophet?

NEXUS: Port Chicago - USA's Dark Secret

NEXUS: Port Chicago - USA's Dark Secret: "nd ship, the Quinalt Vic"

Half-price Colombian fighters offered for Iraq. 13/08/2005. ABC News Online

Half-price Colombian fighters offered for Iraq. 13/08/2005. ABC News Online

(What wouldnt they do for 5K per month, and potential US citizenship?)

American violence in Iraq: Necrophilia or savagery? Part 1 of a 5-part series: Bully, cheat, kill, and conquer :: from :: news from o

Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon After 9/11 Indicate Depleted Uranium Used; High-Ranking Army Officer Claims Missile Used

Articles, government corruption, freedom of speech, truth

Now high ranking military officials are saying it was an inside job, and people like myself are crazy right?

Belafonte's Retraction of Remarks on Jews Causes New Flap -- 08/11/2005

Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

The Blog | Arianna Huffington: Why Are the Media Having Such a Hard Time Covering Cindy Sheehan? | The Huffington Post

City Pages - Bring 'em On!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Beslan Survivors Say Men in Police Uniforms Helped Hostage-Takers Flee

Iraq Leader Paves Way for Legal Hangings

Big Brother To Monitor High Schools

U.S. forces "mistook" Iraqi civilians for rebels -

Russian Leftist Radicals Claim Beating from Hands of Pro-Kremlin Youth Movement - NEWS - MOSNEWS.COM

WorldNetDaily: Praying school board likened to terrorists

Man who was Tasered gets apology

WorldNetDaily: Anonymous soldiers making violent arrests

WorldNetDaily: Anonymous soldiers making violent arrests

things are really starting to excellerate

Washington Post Backs Out of Pentagon 9/11 Event

Hollywood tackles 9/11 with third feature

Panic ensues in rush for cheap laptops

Limbaugh baselessly compared Cindy Sheehan to Bill Burkett: "Her story is nothing more than forged documents"

Beslan Survivors Say Men in Police Uniforms Helped Hostage-Takers Flee

Beslan Survivors Say Men in Police Uniforms Helped Hostage-Takers Flee

Menezes lawyer queries police role in 'false' reports

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