Thursday, April 28, 2005

Your Papers Please! National ID Cards Coming

Secrecy hurts renewal of Patriot Act - Excessive secrecy is hurting the Bush administration's effort to win renewal of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act, lawmakers told top law enforcement and intelligence officials Wednesday.
The administration wants Congress to make permanent all 15 provisions of the law that expire at the end of the year, some of which have aroused civil liberties concerns among liberals and conservatives.

Big brother: NY sex offenders may be tracked by satellite

This is what they want to do with all of us: NY Daily News -
Westchester County may soon be using a global positioning system to track the movements of convicted sex offenders, County Executive Andrew Spano said Thursday.

"Conthemedia" Rice changed terrorism report

The Guardian - Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, ordered the report to be withdrawn and a new one issued minus the statistics.

Pope 'obstructed' sex abuse inquiry - Confidential letter reveals Ratzinger ordered bishops to keep allegations secret.Pope Benedict XVI faced claims last night he had 'obstructed justice' after it emerged he issued an order ensuring the church's investigations into child sex abuse claims be carried out in secret.

$425 mn promised to tsunami victims tinged with scandal - Even as the association of Canadian Maurice Strong with "Koreagate Man" Tungsun Park was coming under world limelight, Sri Lankans were starting to demand answers about where the $425 million promised by Canada to tsunami victims is.


RawStory - Secret Service records raise new questions about discredited reporter plant alleged to be kidnapped paper boy Johnny Gosch. What was he doing at the White House on no-press days?

Florida Planning "Son of Matrix"

WiredNews - Florida law officials are contemplating a sequel to the controversial Matrix database that may be even more comprehensive than the original. The Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, or Matrix, contained billions of commercial and government records, and was intended to help police track down terrorists and kidnappers. But the system was shut down on April 15 when federal funds ran out.
Considered overly invasive by many, the system's demise was celebrated by civil libertarians.

Law lords back 'designer babies'

TheGuardian - The House of Lords ruled today that the creation of 'designer babies' to treat siblings with genetic disorders was lawful.
Five law lords ruled unanimously that the practice of tissue typing could be authorised by the Human and Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).

Attorney general told Blair war could be illegal

Secret advice leaked to Guardian

Tony Blair was told by the government's most senior law officer in a confidential minute less than two weeks before the war that British participation in the American-led invasion of Iraq could be declared illegal.

Rights Group Condemns U.S. Over Guantanamo

NewsDay - Europe's human rights body condemned the United States on Tuesday for using what it termed "torture" on terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and it called on European countries not to cooperate in interrogating Guantanamo detainees.

Explosive Video Report From SBS Australia

Were 5 Unarmed and Wounded Iraqi's Murdered By U.S. Marines?

Last November when a US marine shot dead an unarmed, wounded Iraqi in a Fallujah mosque, the story created international headlines. In fact, it was the biggest scandal to hit the US military in Iraq since Abu Ghraib. What we still don't know is what actually went on outside the frame of that now infamous image?
In his first international interview, the journalist responsible for capturing that awful shooting spoke with Dateline's Sophie McNeill, and a warning - this story contains strong language and confronting images. Let me say that we've left some particularly graphic scenes in this report because we believe they're critical to understanding exactly what happened that day in Fallujah.

Group Says U.S. Sent Up to 150 to Possible Torture Sites

"Los Angeles Times" - - WASHINGTON — A civil liberties group investigating allegations of prisoner abuse will report today that since the Sept. 11 attacks, U.S. agents have secretly transported up to 150 detainees to countries that may practice torture.Such transporting, known as rendition, is more widespread than the government has reported, according to Human Rights Watch. In a report issued a year after the earliest revelations of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, the group said the renditions, along with abuses of foreign detainees by U.S. forces, were possible violations of international law.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Dr. Kelly's Death - A Vile - Mistrust in the present government is not exclusively due to the lies, distortions and distractions surrounding the Iraq WMD claims, and the legal advice about going to war with Iraq.

Government deceit extends also to the clearly inadequate investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly.

Print crackdown on Gosch/Gannon Inquiry? - The alternative weekly paper that published the Gannon/Gosch piece closed its doors the day the story came out and will not print another issue. The paper will apparently be printing under the name of another alt-type weekly paper in town (cityview) but the writer of the Pointblank piece - the managing editor - was fired.

Big brother: NY sex offenders may be tracked by satellite

NY Daily News
WHITE PLAINS - Westchester County may soon be using a global positioning system to track the movements of convicted sex offenders, County Executive Andrew Spano said Thursday.

Bergen County Chief Of Police Gets VeriChip

WirelessIQ - Bergen County, New Jersey Chief of Police has been implanted with the VeriChip. Chief of Police Jack Schmidig, a member of the police force for over 30 years, received a VeriChip as part of the Company's strategy of enlisting key regional leaders to accelerate adoption of the VeriChip.

Feds don’t need a list of all students

Valley Morning Star - Over the years, Uncle Sam has morphed into Big Brother, amassing data on just about every resident of the country. Federal laws now give the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies power to coerce information from Americans under threat of prosecution if we don’t comply.

New laws deny smokers basic freedoms - The smoking ban is discrimination against those who choose to smoke. One man's poison is another man's cure. You wouldn't take away heart medication or diabetic medication from those who rely on it. Smokers are being castigated for second-hand smoke but has it ever been proven?

Video shows police handcuffing 5-year-old - As St. Petersburg police officers arrived shortly after 3 p.m., the girl suddenly sat quietly at Dibenedetto's table. And, just as suddenly, the tactics used by educators gave way to the more direct approach of law enforcement.

BLAIR BROADCASTING CORPORATION CUTS ACCEPTANCE SPEECH THAT HIGHLIGHTED 'RICIN TERROR RING' SCAM - The BBC has come under fire for cutting the acceptance speech of a Bafta winner who last night criticised the media's coverage of the threat posed to Britain by terrorists.


It is being alleged that an article published by the UK Guardian newspaper has been removed from its website on the order of a government 'D Notice' - the Orwellian law that allows the authorities to stop the publication of information while making it illegal for the media outlet involved to even say that this has happened.

Anyway, here's the Guardian story they would rather you didn't read: Fake Terror - Ricin Ring That Never Was

Thursday, April 21, 2005

A simple prank by a 13-year-old. Now her genetic records are on the National DNA Database forever

Homeland Security/Lockheed Martin Provide Total Surveillance For Wisconsin Town

Not as guilty as he looks? The Met chief, Labour and ID cards [printer-friendly] | The Register

Urgent action needed on REAL ID Act

Wiretaps are up sharply as Congress debates Patriot Act

Police Beat Woman Having Diabetic Reaction

Schwarzenegger Apologizes for Border Comment

Howard Dean warns of danger in Iraq pullout

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Helicopter 'downed' near Baghdad

WorldNetDaily: Leftist weekly: We love abortion

Lithuania Will Shoot Down Unidentified Planes to Protect Bush - NEWS - MOSNEWS.COM

Rumsfeld To Quit This Summer?

Ratzinger and Pedophilia in the Church

Ratzinger and Pedophilia in the Church

New pope shelved sex abuse claim, accuser says

BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Berlusconi resigns as Italian PM

Database misuse: who watches the watchers?

Wiretaps are up sharply as Congress debates Patriot Act

Final Call
Disclosure of a 75-percent increase in secret wiretaps and “sneak and peek” searches since 2000 is likely to provide ammunition for civil liberties groups determined to modify the Patriot Act, as Congress began two months of debate on the law April 5th.

The act was hurriedly passed shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. It gave federal law enforcement agencies sweeping new surveillance and detention powers. Parts of the law are due to expire at the end of this year and President George Bush has called on Congress to renew the law in its entirety.

Police Beat Woman Having Diabetic Reaction

WICHITA, Kansas - Christina Deleon, 30 has a broken arm, her head is swollen and her eyes are blackened. The question now is, how did she get these injuries? From a traffic accident or from what police did after it.

New pope intervened against Kerry in US 2004 election campaign

WASHINGTON (AFP) - German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Vatican theologian who was elected Pope Benedict XVI, intervened in the 2004 US election campaign ordering bishops to deny communion to abortion rights supporters including presidential candidate John Kerry.

Sharon: Russian missiles being sold to Syria do threaten Israel

Haaretz Services

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told Israel Radio that Israel does not accept the Russian assessment that the anti-aircraft missiles Russia intends to sell Syria do not threaten Israel, in an interview broadcast Thursday."What concerns us with the shoulder-launched missiles, the anti-aircraft missiles, is that they can find their way into the hands of terrorist organizations," Sharon said.

Israel extends ban on nuclear whistleblower Vanunu leaving the country

Haaretz - Israel News: "Haaretz Service and Reuters"

Interior Minister Ophir Pines-Paz decided Tuesday to ban nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu from leaving the country for a further 12 months due to concerns he could harm national security.

Pines-Paz told Army Radio he would prevent Vanunu from obtaining an Israeli passport necessary to leave the country for another year.

MK Zahava Gal-On (Yahad) had asked Pines-Paz to cancel the order preventing Vanunu from getting a passport.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My Way News

My Way News: "JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel will not mount a unilateral attack aimed at destroying Iran's nuclear capability, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Wednesday in a CNN-TV interview."

'Bribes' Story Covers-up True Nature Of Bin Laden's Elusiveness

'Bribes' Story Covers-up True Nature Of Bin Laden's Elusiveness: "Osama Bin Laden gave US forces the slip by bribing the Afghan militias tasked with tracking him down, according to Germany's spy chief, August Hanning."

WorldNetDaily: Californians warned of involuntary euthanasia

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Double car bombing rocks Baghdad

Arnold loses support on all sides - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - April 14, 2005

Japan Today - News - Kidnapped American in Iraq shown on video - Japan's Leading International News Network

Special Guard Units Prepare for Domestic Terrorism

Prosecution Provokes Unease Among Artists

ABC 7 News - GMU Faculty Decries Patriot Act

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Guantanamo Bosnians cry 'torture'

Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

Federal database would hold students' personal information

The Sun Herald | 04/13/2005 | Patriotic opposition to the Patriot Act

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


CBS News | Official Warns Russia May Collapse | April 5, 2005 01:13:07

t r u t h o u t - Bush's NRA Friends Let Terrorists Buy AK-47s

t r u t h o u t - IRS Rigs the System in Favor of Super-Rich


Cops: Threats seek to 'unlock' brain

Cops: Threats seek to 'unlock' brain: "Cops: Threats seek to 'unlock' brain

Cops: Threats seek to 'unlock' brain

Wired News: Collar Cultivates Canine Cliques

The Big Fix

Propaganda and Disinformation -- How the CIA Manufactures History


"The Technetronic era involves the gradual appearence of a more CONTROLLED society. Such a society would be dominated by an ELITE, unrestrained by traditional values."

- Zbigniew Brezhinsky, Advisor to 5 U.S. Presidents - Executive Director

the Trilateral Commission. "Between two Ages"

The New York Times > New York Region > Videos Challenge Accounts of Convention Unrest

Yahoo! News - Colombian Artist Depicts Abu Ghraib Abuse

One man's fight to be left alone

New York City - Manhattan news

Guardian | US accused of seizing Iraqi women to force fugitive relatives to give up

BBC SPORT | Football | My Club | Heart of Midlothian | Fans charged after Pope jeering - News - High School To Pay Student Informants For Tips On Campus Crime

BBC NEWS | Business | US trade deficit hits fresh high - Halliburton's $212 million in deals questioned Pentagon to Use Lasers to Warn Pilots

Papers illustrate Negroponte’s Contra role - Highlights -

Flight 587 Eyewitness Contradicts Official Explanation

304 U.S. soldiers ordered killed by Pentagon in Iraq > News > State -- Shriver wants Schwarzenegger 'back home'

Ex-Reagan CIA Head: Source Of Fake Niger Document Is Michael Ledeen - U.S. & World - Cops Tackle Suspicious Man at U.S. Capitol

Monday, April 11, 2005



Government Sponsored Terrorism

Muhnochwa is a man-made insect: DIG- The Times of India

Secret Societies

Mind Control

Thought Crimes

Decoding the New World Order

Blood Evidence


U.S. Military Wants Weapons In Space

WorldNetDaily: Student awarded for Bush-Hitler project

DARPA developing electromagnetic collars for humans

Is a law needed to ban microchip implants in humans?

Record Number Iraqis Jailed Without Charge

Scientist calls for world DNA database

U.S. Seeks Access to Bank Records to Deter Terror

Deputy resigns in Taser incident

Five reasons why conservatives should fight the Patriot Act - 04/10/05

North Jersey Media Group providing local news, sports & classifieds for Northern New Jersey!

Saddam may escape noose in deal to halt insurgency

Granddaughter Yanks Grandma's Feeding Tube 81-Yr-Old Neither Terminally Ill, Comatose, Nor Vegetative

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Suicide blasts hit US Iraq base - Fans at soccer game in Scotland jeer pope

Former FSB General, Wife Shot Dead in Moscow - NEWS - MOSNEWS.COM

WISH-TV - Indianapolis, Indiana - Your Home of 24 Hour News, Sports, Weather & the Weatherbug - Video Shows Object in Sky Behind St. Peter's

1975 WTC fire burned six floors for three hours

Scientologists push mental health law

Nuclear plants warned of terrorist fire hazard

Millions Going to Waste in Iraqi facilities

Washington's Neocon in Baghdad

The Trouble with Tasers

Friday, April 01, 2005

Iran's armed forces vow ready to defeat the 'Great Satan'

U.S. citizen held in Iraq for a year without trial - Officers' rate of Taser use troubles activists

Man Electroshocked For Trying To Get Home During Cheney Visit

AP Correction On Mayfield Story Proof Sneak And Peek Existed Before Patriot Act?

House Panel Will Probe Patriot Act

Draft may be needed in a year, military analysts warn

Italian Media Reporting Pope Is Dead

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Anger growing over Schiavo death

Schiavo's Family Plans Separate Funerals | Dugway expansion a mystery

Screened Audiences, Fake News Promote Bush Agenda

Psychological Profile Suggests Hitler May Have Been Homosexual

Death by Dehydration = Torture

Michael Schiavo Won't Even Allow Terri's Parents To Attend Her Funeral

As Pope Nears Death; Has He Hindered Or Helped The New World Order?

'Another Terri' Lives On

Insider: 'Global Economy Near Tipping Point'

Former Malaysian PM Warns Of Dollar Catastrophe

Philippines Tries To Export FBI Terrorist

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