Friday, January 12, 2007

Emergency Alert - Federal 'Anti-Hate' Bill Introduced In House

On January 5, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, quietly introduced the Anti-Defamation League's federal hate crimes bill into the House of Representatives. This is the same hate bill she introduced two years ago, which was passed by the House in fall 2005. Previously called The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, this freedom-stealing legislation has been repeatedly defeated, usually as a result of public outcry and Republican opposition in Conference.

ADL has dramatically changed the title. It is now The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, in memory of a Texan adolescent brutally sodomized with a metal pipe. Ray replaces Matthew Shephard as the new poster boy of hate law propaganda. Many in Congress will be inclined to pass this legislation with their sympathy votes.

Rep. Lee's office told me that since the House passed this bill in 2005, it could rapidly pass to the floor for a vote. If there is strong bipartisan support in Congress for a defunct bill, it can be resurrected in committee in minutes, by calling for a vote of approval.

The hate bill enjoys this kind of strong bipartisan support; it passed the House previously by a large margin. We know for sure that ADL and Pelosi plan to have it ratified during their "first 100 hours."

Take Action Now

Here's what all lovers of free speech must do, preferably before the weekend:

1. Go to our list of "Hate Bill Subcommittee Members." This is the "Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security," the House Judiciary Committee that will consider this bill.
2. Call all members of this committee, including Sheila Jackson Lee tomorrow and give the following message: "Please don't vote for the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, HR 254. Hate crimes laws such as this have destroyed free speech in Canada and most European countries."
3. Send my flyer "Hate Laws Will Make You a Criminal" (available here) to as many of the legislative aides of each of these subcommittee members as possible.

Rep. Lee's office said bills' progress through committee depends on how much support or criticism they receive. It's time to bury the hate bill in an avalanche of protest from tens of thousands of Americans! This is how we defeated the hate bill three times in the last two years. This is how we can again save free speech for our children, our grandchildren and ourselves.


Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian conservative watchdog organization.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on the hate bill threat! Call 503-631-3808.

Come to for a free viewing of Ted Pike's expose of the hate crimes threat: Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians.

For many more articles explaining the threat of hate crimes legislation, come to

NATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015


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