Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dam Breaks On 9/11 Truth

Lynch and Brolin re-focus attention, will more Hollywood personalities follow in their footsteps?

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, December 7, 2006

Two more major influential Hollywood stars using their fame to attract attention to 9/11 truth proves the dam is breaking and November's election result has failed to stop the momentum of a growing chorus across the political spectrum demanding answers on inexplicable facets of the 9/11 fraud.

Actor James Brolin used a spot on ABC's popular chat show The View to plug a 9/11 website that goes into detail on how the towers and Building 7 were imploded by incendiary devices.

Iconic producer David Lynch appeared on Dutch TV news to react to a clip from the Loose Change documentary and sounded off on several different aspects of how the official story is impossible.

The danger that the Democrats gaining control of the House and Senate would put Hollywood and leftists in general to sleep seems to have diminished in recognizing that the vast majority still understand 9/11 to be a seminal event and not just a symptom of the corrupt Republican Party.

Do Hollywood icons like Brolin and Lynch going public on 9/11 make or break the case? No - we have already presented the evidence and it has been vetted, peer reviewed and collated with the establishment of the 9/11 Truth Scholars. The effect that high profile figures have is to provide a huge magnifying glass that shines on 9/11 truth and generates more interest and reaches sectors of society that would not normally be touched by dry research alone.

We can only hope that Brolin and Lynch's actions will lead more Hollywood stars and others with high profiles from the entertainment world to feel more comfortable in stepping forth into the limelight, echoing the trailblazing example of Charlie Sheen, and using their platform to vocalize 9/11 truth.

We should not forget that Sheen was the first major star to put everything on the line back in March of this year when he risked his career to heighten awareness of the fact that 9/11 is a cover-up, a sentiment now shared by the vast majority of the U.S. population according to the latest scientific poll.


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