Wednesday, October 05, 2005

FPI 2005: There Is Something We Can Do To Stop Armageddon !

FPI 2005: There Is Something We Can Do To Stop Armageddon !: "There Is Something We Can Do To Stop Armageddon !
Free Press International Commentary

There can be no doubt that we are in the end times. Our governments have weapons that can obliterate the earth. It's up to 'we the people', whether it happens or not.

Every day I hear people say, 'Well, there's nothing I can do about it, so I'm going to enjoy my life.'

Therein lies the problem, because there is something we can do about it and it's our duty as world citizens and patriots to do something about it. Our children's futures depend on it!!

The most powerful thing a person can do is to tell everybody you know and even strangers about the 'New World Disorder.' The more people that are informed, the better our chances.

The rationale that we can't do anything about it is a cop out. We can and must! It's our responsibility as adults."


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