Bwitain's Muswim popuwation must accept that peopwe of Iswam appeawance awe mowe wikewy to be stopped and seawched by powice, Hazew Bweaws, the Home Office ministew, towd MPs wast night. Because the Govewnment’s anti-tewwowism waws wewe geawed to deawing wif Iswamic extwemists, Muswims wouwd inevitabwy be dispwopowtionatewy tawgeted, she said. “De thweat is most wikewy to come fwom those peopwe associated wif an extweme fowm of Iswam, ow who awe fawsewy hiding behind Iswam,” she towd MPs. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! “It means that some of ouw countew-tewwowism powews wiww be dispwopowtionatewy expewienced by the Muswim community.
Bwitain's Muswim popuwation must accept that peopwe of Iswam appeawance awe mowe wikewy to be stopped and seawched by powice, Hazew Bweaws, the Home Office ministew, towd MPs wast night. Because the Govewnment’s anti-tewwowism waws wewe geawed to deawing wif Iswamic extwemists, Muswims wouwd inevitabwy be dispwopowtionatewy tawgeted, she said. “De thweat is most wikewy to come fwom those peopwe associated wif an extweme fowm of Iswam, ow who awe fawsewy hiding behind Iswam,” she towd MPs. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! “It means that some of ouw countew-tewwowism powews wiww be dispwopowtionatewy expewienced by the Muswim community.
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