Thursday, March 03, 2005

Police defend use of Taser on girl, 13


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it is a stretch to say the police just like using tasers. Maybe some do, but you can't label all police as taser loving sadists.
I didn't read what the cops had to say about this, but it is possible this kid deserved it. I am not saying police brutality doesn't exist, but there are 2 sides to every story.
It does seem odd why they would repeatedly zap her. Maybe calibrating?
However, the cat definitely deserved it.

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never said all cops are bad man im just pointing out the mentallity brought on by the training the gov. gives them. im not a right or left winger im for the republic of america equal treatment for all people. do you think that would happen to bill gates kid? dont you think that they could take down an 80 year old woman or a 13 year old GIRL without a taser? come on people use your brains you have become conditioned to accept this cant you see that? these arent the only cases of this either so dont act like its isolated. theres a police state on the march and they ARE imposing martial law you just dont see it yet where you live. give it time.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can appreciate most of your point. I missed the write up on the 80 year old lady getting zapped though.
I know there has always been asshole cops and there always be them in the mix. Control freaks in need of help or maybe a taser zap or 2 as well.
Just like any group of people, priests, scout masters, you name it. There are always a minority that give the others a bad name. (With the exception of course of congressmen).
However, if the police are in a position where their only choice would have been their side arm, then now they have a less letal choice. Sure, there will be cases where there will be abuse, but there is now with billy clubs.
As far as the police state, I have heard that cry since the 60's. They are pigs until you need them. I will say they overstep their bounds with things like road blocks. Mere bounty hunting for DUI's which is nothing more than a push for revenue. I also don't think a significant period of time in sing sing is suitable for possesion of weed, but thank Orin Hatch for that one.
The police are needed though and always will be.
The best way to thwart a true police state is to be armed. I myself am wary of any party which would want to take those arms away.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i suggest you look here also look here
if you download these documentaries you will see that they have been training to disarm you since one year before 911. theres a reason they have been talking about a police state since the 60's because its coming.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't access the conspiracy/police state one. But the address itself raises flags. Conspiracy theory. There are plenty of them.
As far as the tasers, fine, someone logged every event that they were used. Maybe there is one logging the problem of home invasions. Beating up old women and raping them and robbing them.
THere is no sense in losing sleep over either cases. No one is out to get you WS.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

lol its no longer a theory brother its almost all public, and you just have to refresh the site a few times it lags somtimes i have to refresh a few times to get in. anyway dont you think its odd that every time you hear the word conspiracy you automaticlly apply the word theory to the end of it. this has been engrained into your phsyke and the publics phsyke. its not theory when its documented and on the news. please go to the site and download the films they will change your mind for the rest of your life brother. the site is a torrent tracker. you will need a torrent program to download them.

some more links for you to check out besides the ones on my site links.
please look at dark secrets inside the bohemian grove watch the stuff look at the stuff. its real brother they admit it. you can see clinton advisor david gurgin admit it here
please follow these links im taking the time to post them, and read, learn somthing about what you are trying to defend.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you can get all those films at that tracker btw. alex jones asks people to make copies of his films to spread the word so dont worry about copyright infringment

4:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

these things go back further than you or i could imagine take a look

george washington memorial

and im sure you know who this guy is

all illuminati symbolism

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will check these links out when I have time and will get back to you. I am not blowing you off or dismissing you, I am just short on time at the moment.
I know it took some time to compile that and for your effort, I thank you.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Members of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual Wherein They Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."

I did find this one hilarious.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh well, for the sake of dialogue, who would you suggest replaces Bush in 2008?

7:21 AM  

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