Negroponte, a Neo-Con? Shocking!!
You may remember, Senator, I posted a memo on the margin to you on April 27, 2004, when I learned that John Negroponte, the US Ambassador to the U.N., was nominated to be the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq. I told you then that, from what I could see, he was a loyal agent of the megalomaniac neo-con Cabal to run the world, and we would regret putting him in charge of promoting "democracy" in Iraq. He was actually "placed" there not by President Bush, but by his real boss, Richard Perle, to promote a puppet government that would do the bidding of Perle and his Cabal (Cheney, Wolfie, Rummy, etc.) As I tried to explain to you back then, Senator, Negroponte came up through the bureaucratic ranks by doing exactly as he was told by the neo-cons, and now President Bush has been snookered yet again into doing the bidding of the Cabal. He has appointed Negroponte to be the Biggest Cheese of all in the National Intelligence Community, the CZAR of national intelligence!!!
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